6 January 2021
Top 5 Ways to keep climbing to new heights with virtual Meetings & Events
There is no debating it, 2020 saw a monumental rise in the use of online video conferencing applications. With enforced home working and closure of offices and event venues across the world, people had to adapt. Enter: Zoom, Microsoft teams, Google Meet and a number of other video conferencing platforms stage left. Many of these platforms had been around for years but rarely utilised. In December 2019 Zoom was recording an average of 10 million daily participants but by April 2020, deep into the pandemic, it was recording over 300 million daily participants, that’s a 2900% increase!
With another nationwide lockdown in the UK, similar restrictions across the world and a full roll out of the newly approved vaccines still a little while off, we predict that the online video conferencing applications are here to stay at least into mid 2021. So how do we avoid that horrible phrase “Zoom Fatigue” how do we ensure that the meetings and events that we are holding virtually are still effective and useful? how do we improve on what we are already doing?
Here are Virtual Approvals top 5 ways to climbing to new heights with virtual meetings and events:
That’s just our Top 5! We have a number of other aspects we look at when we think about ways we can add value to the events we work on. It’s very easy to settle and have a “this is what’s on our plate” outlook during this pandemic but you don’t need to compromise your meetings & events just because they are virtual. think outside the box!
If you want to know more or book in a consultation – contact us at [email protected]